APWA Public Works Project of the Year 2022-Heart of Soquel Parkway
We're excited to announce that Heart of Soquel Parkway in Santa Cruz County has been awarded the APWA Monterey Bay Chapter 2022 Public Works Project of the Year Award in Transportation under $5 million.
This award was established to promote excellence in public works projects by recognizing the partnership between the managing agency, the consultant team, and the contractor, who all work together successfully to complete these outstanding projects.
The Heart of Soquel Parkway project was completed as phases 2 and 3 of the greater Heart of Soquel project with the goal of building a stronger Soquel Village core. The project gives the community of Soquel a place to appreciate the natural environment in the middle of an otherwise urban environment and provides a safe place to travel for pedestrians, bicyclist and students traveling to and from school. The connections this trail provides through the core of Soquel Village was included in the original 1991 Soquel Village Plan.
Phases 2 and 3 include a new pervious concrete path from the Heart of Soquel Plaza Park (completed in 2015), along the Soquel Creek, to the pedestrian bridge behind Soquel Elementary School. The project also includes an elevated boardwalk, 3 creek overlooks and rest areas, habitat restoration and planting, trail heads, drainage improvements, fencing, interpretive signage, public art, and lighting. The project was completed in partnership with Soquel Union Elementary School District, Discovery Preschool, and local private property owners.